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Experiential Learning (EL) at MSU Denver is a process wherein students learn by doing through practical and applied engagement in or out of the classroom. Experiential Learning emphasizes collaboration, reflection, synthesis, and feedback to develop knowledge, skills, and critical thinking for post-graduation success.
Nationally, specific types of experiential learning (e.g., internships, service learning, undergraduate research) are known high-impact pedagogical tools leading to “significant educational benefits for students who participate in them—including and especially those from demographic groups historically underserved by higher education.” The Experiential Learning For All (ELFA) working group, as part of the Student Success Launch operationalizing the University’s 2030 strategic plan, has a long-term objective to map out pathways within each undergraduate program that outline opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning. At MSU Denver we endeavor to honor the hard work that goes into developing courses that support students in these ways.
The Experiential Learning for All (ELFA) Committee was originally organized to understand and address barriers to access experiential learning opportunities across MSU Denver.
The committee consisted of experiential learning staff and 7 faculty members representative of the different colleges at the university and co-led by the previous C2Hub Faculty Engagement Director and current faculty member, Dr. Pam Ansburg, and Interim Deputy Provost (currently AVP for curriculum and policy development), Dr. Shaun Schafer. The group made significant contributions to support experiential learning on campus, specifically regarding internships, and brought forth several key considerations for how to support faculty with this continued work (e.g. secured the UC 3980 course offering & the one-time ELFA STW dollars).
In initial attempts to capture experiential learning happening at MSU Denver, this group compiled a list of courses based on catalog key-word searches; resulting in an initial report on retention and demographics data for the university. Next steps with this dataset were stymied by staff turnover and COVID19.
To move forward with capturing experiential learning at MSU Denver, a framework for has been developed – in collaboration with and incorporating feedback from faculty and staff – to ensure greater accuracy and opportunity for inclusion in previously referenced dataset.
The intent of the ELFA Framework is to support faculty in appropriately identifying whether their courses are meeting the outlined levels of criteria for inclusion. This dataset will support MSU Denver’s understanding of the impact of experiential learning on student persistence and retention as a high-impact practice. It will also allow for recognition of the energy faculty are putting into these courses for celebration and acknowledgement.
Our long-term goals are to identify the incredible efforts being made by our faculty and programs across MSU Denver, to tell a cohesive story of how experiential learning happens across MSU Denver, and to identify the areas of support for those wanting to engage students in these high-impact opportunities.
Want to learn more about incorporating Experiential Learning Practices into your Classroom?
Click here to learn more about the ELFA FrameworkFaculty Learning Community (FLC): An FLC on Experiential Learning was held in Fall 2024, and we hope to offer one every Fall semester.
If you have a course that has students engaging in Experiential Learning, you can receive up to $300 for materials or support from our Experiential Learning Mini-Grants.
Learn more about how experiential learning is being implemented across MSU Denver.
For questions regarding Experiential Learning For All, please contact Cassie Mullin.
Click here to connect with Cassie MullinIf you have ideas surrounding faculty engagement with the C2 Hub or experiential learning support and/or resources for faculty, or if you are not finding what you hoped to in this resource, contact the FE&EL Team for further collaboration.
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